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How to Choose a Dream Bookkeeper for Your Small Business (And Not Get Ripped Off)

The Importance of Good Bookkeeping for Small Business Owners

A reliable bookkeeper is a cornerstone of success for any small business. Let’s take a look at

how to choose a dream bookkeeper for your small business.

Bookkeepers empower you to:

Save valuable time and resources

  • Steer clear of expensive errors
  • Make informed financial decisions
  • Remain compliant with tax laws and regulations
  • Criteria to Consider When Choosing a Bookkeeper

When in the market for a bookkeeper, look for these essential attributes:

Experience: Chose a bookkeeper with a proven track record of working with small businesses in your specific industry.

  1. Credentials: Verify that the bookkeeper has the qualifications for the specialized tasks you need, like certified payroll services.
  2. Personality: Your bookkeeper will be privy to your financial details. Ensure you’re comfortable with their personality and approach.
  3. How to Discover Ideal Bookkeepers for Your Small Business

Here’s how to start your search:

  1. Solicit recommendations from your network.
  2. Utilize online platforms to search for local bookkeepers.
  3. Contact local business associations or chambers of commerce.
  4. Consider bookkeepers affiliated with professional bodies like the National Association of Bookkeepers or the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers.
  5. Essential Questions During Bookkeeper Interviews

After identifying potential candidates, set up consultations to dive deeper into their expertise, credentials, and approach.

  1. What is your experience with small businesses like mine?
  2. What credentials do you have?
  3. What range of services do you provide?
  4. How do you typically interact with clients?
  5. What are your fees?
  6. Will you provide references?

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Bookkeeper Search

Avoid these pitfalls for a smooth experience:

  • Skipping References: Secure and verify references from other small businesses.
  • Not Discussing Fees: Get a transparent fee structure upfront.
  • Ignoring Working Style: Inquire about their working methodology. Do they offer remote bookkeeping services or prefer in-person meetings? Monthly or quarterly services?

When choosing a dream bookkeeper look for something like this:


“Perlinger Consulting has been a godsend. I was drowning in bookkeeping work and always anxious about potential mistakes. Their team, experienced in bookkeeping for small businesses, relieved me of all that stress. They’re available to answer any questions and their expertise is invaluable. If you’re a small business owner in need of accurate accounting, look no further than Perlinger Consulting.” – Jeanie H., Parish Administrator of ACTS Church

Advanced Bookkeeping Solutions: Elevate Your Business Finances

In addition to the foundational tasks like monitoring revenue and outflows, more sophisticated bookkeeping services bring a host of advantages to small businesses.

  • Automating Accounts Payable and Receivable: One of the cornerstones of precise accounting services is effective management of your accounts payable and receivable. Using automation can speed up this process and diminish the margin for mistakes.
  • Bank and Credit Card Reconciliation: Seasoned bookkeepers don’t just record numbers; they ensure your bank and credit card statements sync perfectly with your business records. This extra layer of accuracy offers a deeper look into your finances.
  • QuickBooks Consultation: If QuickBooks is your software of choice or you’re considering it, consulting with a QuickBooks expert can certainly increase its benefits for you. From QuickBooks training sessions aimed at newcomers to more specialized contractor sessions, these consultations refine your accounting knowledge.

Why Online Bookkeeping is a Game-Changer

The digital era has made online bookkeeping services for small businesses increasingly appealing. Offering not only flexibility but also often comes at a more budget-friendly price point. With digital accounting services, you gain access to platforms designed to simplify the complex world of small business finances.

Tailoring Bookkeeping to Your Industry

Different industries pose unique accounting challenges. For example, a retail setup will need inventory tracking, while a consulting firm may not. That’s why it’s crucial to opt for a bookkeeper who’s experienced in your specific niche. If you’re based in Colorado, for instance, there are services with Colorado-focused QuickBooks consulting that may be the perfect fit for you.

Keeping the Communication Flowing After Onboarding Your Ideal Bookkeeper

Once you’ve chosen your ideal bookkeeper, sustaining an open line of communication is crucial. Regular check-ins keep you in the loop about your financial standing, making sure that the bookkeeping services align with your business requirements.

Technology: Empowering Your Bookkeeping Strategy

The right tech tools can significantly streamline the bookkeeping process. Whether it’s continuous QuickBooks online training or employing accounts payable software, your bookkeeper should be up-to-date with the latest technological solutions.

By taking the time to find the right bookkeeping service that fits your specific needs and working style, you’re investing in the financial success of your business. The right bookkeeper can provide invaluable support in not only keeping your finances in order but also in planning for your business’s future.

This blog is meant for educational purposes only. Articles contain general information about accounting and tax matters and is not tax advice and should not be treated as such. Do not rely on information from this website as an alternative to seeking assistance from a certified tax professional. Perlinger Consulting partners with certified tax professionals to assist our clients.

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